In my defense, there is a lot of traffic and the fountain is on a relatively inaccessible island. I had to dodge a few cars to get over there.
Luckily, I had a few beers and was braver than usual (or maybe just more stupid).
A PhotoDocumentary Experiment of the places I go with a bit of about my New Year Resolution to listen to complete Albums - #AlbumListenParty
In my defense, there is a lot of traffic and the fountain is on a relatively inaccessible island. I had to dodge a few cars to get over there.
Luckily, I had a few beers and was braver than usual (or maybe just more stupid).
During my adventure to Washington, DC, I was able to walk over to the Art of Can exhibit in the rotunda of Union Station in Washington DC. I have taken the train from there to NYC a ton of times, but generally, I was in a rush and really didn't notice how incredible the building is. I had also taken the metro there most of the time and didn't walk through the front door of the building.
The artistry and architecture of old trains stations always amazes me.
The one thing I really loved about working in downtown DC is that it feels like you are perpetually walking through history. The town is littered with monuments and memorials.
There are not many places were you can read the Emancipation Proclamation and the see the Bill of Rights in one afternoon.
During my time there, we used to call the Washington Monument the Big Stick. You can see it from so many places in town, when you get lost (and you will most likely get lost and do a couple of u-turns), it is a great way to orient yourself.
During my DC adventure, I went to a bar on Capitol Hill called the Pour House. It is a Steeler Nation bar. I walked in and the place was a sea of black and gold jerseys. After the game, I strolled back down the hill around the capitol.
I realized I had never seen the main entrance of the building and the promenade to the building in the entire time I lived in DC.
It is a pretty impressive view.
While I was visiting Washington, DC in late October, I had a day where I was able to do some sightseeing. I was staying in Alexandria, VA and catching the metro at King Street station.
While I was standing on the elevated platform, I realized I had a great view of the masonic temple. I snapped a quick photo of it.
It is even more interesting given the recent interest in the Mason after Dan Brown released his latest book, "The Lost Symbol" this fall.