Monday, February 4, 2008

Browns Football Walkway

After lunch today, I took a stroll with one of my co-workers. Although it is still cold outside, the break from the single digit temperatures was a nice one.

We decided to head toward the stadium. Instead of doing the complete loop, we took a walkway that cuts across the local road and the train tracks and cuts about 5 blocks off of the loop. As we were walking, I noticed this bridge with the football field markings on it.

I thought it was an interesting setup in a very hidden place. Only fans who have walked on this pathway would notice the ground was painted like a football field and there was a sign with goal posts saying thanks to the fans. It was also ironic timing since the Super Bowl was yesterday. The deserted walkway feels representative of stadiums around the country that will now sit empty until next season.

Great things are hidden around every corner.

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