While eating at Sullivan's in Lakewood, I noticed this whiskey crate in the corner. I thought this was a pretty cool sign.
A PhotoDocumentary Experiment of the places I go with a bit of about my New Year Resolution to listen to complete Albums - #AlbumListenParty
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Thursday, January 29, 2009
St. John Cantius in Tremont

There have been a lot of photos in the snow this year. Most of them have been around my house. Yesterday, I ventured out and shot some photos. I wondered down Professor Street in Tremont and snapped this picture of the St. John Cantius church.
I love the lighted snowflakes hanging from the street posts in the distance. What might be considered Christmas decorations have remained on the street through January. They added a nice touch during the storm.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Barren Bushes in Snow

Even with all of the crazy cold and snow over the past few weeks, these bushes have managed to stay standing. They have not fallen under the weight of snow and ice.
I had been thinking of removing them from the yard, but if they can survive through this winter uncovered (yes, I am a horrible gardener), and bloom in the spring, they are staying put.
Snow Covered Tree in Tremont

After some early morning shoveling, I decided to adventure out into Tremont for a walk. I took my camera with me. Right down the street was this tree bathed in light from the street light overhead.
The original picture has an interesting yellow light being cast, but I thought the black and white version showed more of the beautiful contrast of the tree, the light and the snow.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Thursday, January 22, 2009
RTA Entrance in Cleveland

When I walk from the parking lot to my office every day, I pass by the RTA office on West 6th Street. I generally cut down an alley and pass by the side entrance.
First, their sidewalks are always clear in the winter - Thanks RTA. I digress. Since I pass their side entrance, I never really noticed the front entrance. I just happened to notice it and felt it was a bit reminiscent of the contemporary Metro entrances in Paris.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Relax and Put Your Shoes on the Bar

My co-worker, Lisa, always has an extra pair of shoes with her. She wears high heels and doesn't want to walk too far in them because they hurt her feet. In the winter, she needs to have a pair of shoes to slog through the winter streets of Cleveland.
As girl, I do understand this theory. I get a kick out of the fact that she tends to stow the extra pair in her purse.
Last night, we stopped at the Nauti Mermaid for a drink. While we were sitting there, I looked over and noticed her shoes on the bar. Apparently, while digging in her purse to pay for drinks, she just put them there.
Come on in and kick your feet and put your shoes on the bar!
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Cleveland Pink Skyline
Coffee Love

This morning, I sat down to eat my cereal and drink my coffee. As I was nearing the end of my coffee, I noticed the foam had made a heart in the cup. Coupled with the word, Joy, that was printed in my cup, I thought it might an interesting image.
I know, it isn't like seeing Abraham Lincoln's image in a cucumber, but I thought it was photo worthy. Besides, I do love coffee on a snowy Sunday morning.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Tremont Man Walking In Snow

One of the things a big snow storm does is force everyone in the Tremont neighborhood to walk everywhere. It is great to live in a neighborhood where you can get out of the house and not go stir crazy during bad weather.
The other thing it does is force everyone to walk in the street because not everyone is great at shoveling their sidewalk. You tend to meet a lot of interesting people during the snowstorms.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Tremont Biker in the Snow Storm

The snow has come back to Cleveland, and the folks of Tremont won't be stopped by the piles of white stuff. Since I was taking other pics, I was so excited I had my camera when this guy came by on his bicycle.
Truck Covered in Snow

While I was cleaning the snow from my driveway, I noticed the truck from next store was covered with so much snow. The truck is only a work truck for the garage next store, so it will probably not get cleaned.
It was an interesting day of people cleaning out from the snow.
In the foreground is my Christmas tree that was not taken away in the trash. It is now almost covered with shoveled snow.
Tremont Lady Cleans Snow From Tree

While I was cleaning the 18 inches of snow from my driveway, I noticed an older lady across the street hitting the tree with her broom. Tremont is always filled with colorful people, but this was too funny not to photograph.
When she saw me take the photo she stopped to talk with me. She wanted to make sure her tree didn't fall, so was knocking off some snow. She did have a little kitten that was following her around and rolling in the snow.
Although the scene was funny, I tree itself is really beautiful, tool.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Society for Savings Building

As I was sorting my photos, I was looking through all the photos I had field for "photo project" that were not renamed.
This picture was one of them. The building is now owned by Key bank. I had taken a photo of the iron work on that building. I love how the iron work and stone work is so detailed and incredible. I love it when old buildings survive.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Tom and Chewbacca

Tom has appeared on my blog a few previous times. I took this during a wine trip in December, but hadn't had time to post it. I love this photo, so I didn't want it to get lost in my digital archive.
Nothing better than Chewbacca in a bandana. Enjoy!
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Another Edison Bike Rider

While I was visiting friends in Chicago, we visited the Chicago History Museum. While we were there, my friend's daughter, Sadie, climb aboard the Edison Bike.
The moment totally reminded me of an early post of my boss, Tom, riding the same type of Edison bike outside of the bar Edison's in Cleveland.
The museum was great and had some fabulous exhibitions. The Chic Chicago exhibit showing couture dresses of prominent Chicago women was pretty incredible as well.
Friday, January 2, 2009
Historic House Replica

I did a post this week about the Irish Famine Memorial on the Cuyahoga. On the same spot is a replica house that represents they type of home where the Irish and ohter immigrants lived
The house is very close to the memorial. Cleveland's millienium tree is also planted there. The tree was grown from cuttings of an original Johnny Appleseed tree.