In my opinion, there are two great things to do on a rainy Sunday afternoon: 1) sit around with your friend and drink beer or 2) go to the museum.
Since I am currently in a dry spell, I decided to go to Friedlander photo exhibit at the Cleveland Museum of Art.
It was a great exhibit and it was Free. Definitely factors that contributed to my enjoyment. I have to give credit to the curator of the exhibit because the layout of the exhibit was very compelling. I felt like I wanted to soon from sensory impact as soon as I walked into the exhibit.
Even better was this incredible wave of photos that was along the back wall of the exhibit. It was a style that I had never seen before in a museum. I was very excited that my cell phone has a panoramic setting to take photos.
I would highly recommend this exhibit not only because Friedlander is a great photographer or that it is massive, he is a very approachable photographer and exhibits that 'perfection' is not always the most interesting way to make a photograph.