Friday, July 22, 2011

Demolition of the Columbia Building

Columbia Building amid demolition rubble

Many downtown areas in cities throughout the country have old building that feel like they are part of an older or bygone era. It always breaks my heart a little to see these buildings go. I can always imagine the glamor and excitement of these places in a different time. There are flashes of that from Downtown Pittsburgh when I was a small child.

In this particular case, I really hate it. The Columbia Building is being torn down to make way for a casino parking lot.

Now, I will say my mom loves to gamble, I am have been known to pull a few one-armed bandits, but personally, it makes me sad because I don't view it as progress to tear down the things we have cherished for a century to make way for out-of-towners pulling on the penny slots.

At any rate, I just wanted to capture a little piece of it, while it is still here.

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