On my daily walk to work, I go past a small urban garden. I have watched this small patch of earth all summer long.
It has going from a patch of rough earth to an area with several gardens that have been built from scratch - including the garden boxes.
I have noticed in the past few weeks, these gardens are starting to bear fruit. The garden has the typical vegetables such as carrots and tomatoes, but I just noticed the eggplants the other day.
I am not the biggest fan of eating eggplant, but I love their color. It is such a rich and wonderful purple.
I love eggplant (or aubergine as we call it in Old Blighty), especially if made into Brinjal Bhaji.
Grilled is good too.
Being raised by an Irish mother, the eggplant was not in her culinary repertoire. It also wasn't easy because my brother would only eat peanut butter and jelly or hot dogs until he was 13.
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